Anish - Inside / Outside

Well this is about me - my name is Anish - Anish Jacob - and I have been wanting to blog for a long time - well actually about a year now - and here it is.... Its about me and whats happening now - on the inside and on the outside.

Monday, February 07, 2005

That Maid A Good Reading !

According to Bachi Karkaria " Marriages are maid in heaven "

I don't like the " Times of India ", awright I've said it - and I have disliked it for a long time now and I am not the only one. The recent severely biased coverage of the Festival of Blessings has only reenforced my opinion. I have a few friends - who have already switched or are in the process of switching over to Vijay Times.

But, I don't fall in any of the above categories though. For one, " The Distorted Times of India " greets me only on Saturday and Sunday mornings ! The rest of the week I help the cause of the group, by loyally subscribing to The Economic Times. Although there is no real alternative for ET - I my opinion the paper is good and serves its purpose. While reading the paper on Sundays most of my time is spent on page 8 " All That Matters " ( columnists, editorials ) and I usually never miss Bachi's column.

I think what she says is absolutely right. My wife and myself have faced enough and more of maids who for a start are not punctual, on most of the days they decide to show-up. On one occasion after switching ( includes no-shows ) a couple of maids within a few weeks, my wife actually decided to stay home and take care of Ray rather than continue with her work. Recently we had a maid who used to stay at home - more often than not, my wife and I would discuss if she being around is a help or an impediment. She left for her Christmas vacations with a promise to return - but didn't, and we are perfectly okey with that !


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