Anish - Inside / Outside

Well this is about me - my name is Anish - Anish Jacob - and I have been wanting to blog for a long time - well actually about a year now - and here it is.... Its about me and whats happening now - on the inside and on the outside.

Monday, July 31, 2006

55 Ways to Have Fun With Google

This book Philipp Lenssen which retails on Amazon for $19.66 is now availabe as a free download.

Philipp also publishes a famous blog called Google Blogoscoped

Meet Roscoe...

(can't you hear him breath...?)

Roscoe the Pug With Ice Bag On His Head- Miserable in the Seattle Heat - Originally uploaded by zoomar.

Saturday, July 29, 2006

The calendar can wait... I want to see you smile

My sleep habits have changed over the past few weeks since I took on my new assignment with a BPO. I typically start work at 5:00 Pm and work in to the night. This means that I also get up much later than I used to. Today was no different and I got up to find my son and wife a little bored. I realized that my change in timings does have an impact on them too.

As I was getting ready to go in for a scheduled meeting (not related to my work, we are closed on Saturdays), my mind went back to the days where we used to go out regularly on Saturdays. The last time we did that was probably in the first week of April this year. I felt it was not fair for us to miss out on family time like this, after all today was my day off and Ray did not have school. When I was almost ready, I changed my mind about the meting and asked my son where he wants to go today? He gave his usual answer - Cubbon Park! So I decided that the calendar can wait this time and off we went on an impromptu visit to the park. The line at the Toy-Train counter was not very long and we got our tickets soon. To see the joy on his face and the smile while we rode the train... I was glad I decide to break my schedule for the day - his smile was worth it.

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Good Night Dallas & Good Morning Bangalore!

I had a conference with today with my clients based in Dallas along with my CEO who is in Bangalore. Now Bangalore is ten and a half hours ahead of Dallas. So while closing the call at 9:00 AM IST I said good night to my clients in Dallas and good morning to my boss!